EDocGen gives an option either to transform your frequently used documents into templates within the system or manually outside. If you are familiar with mail merge/word merge, you may prefer manual template creation. EDocGen supports dynamic population of text, tables and images. Let's look at how to create merge tags for each of these.
Text Merge:
EDocGen recognizes fields surronded by { } (i.e. single flower brackets) tags as dynamic text field. Please ensure that the tag field is a single word without spaces. However it can contain hyphen (-) or underscore (_).
e.g. {name}
Table Auto-Fill
To make a table dynamic please use the following
- Add {#table id ="XXX"} at the beginning of the table and {/table id= "XXX"} at the end of the table as depicted below.
- surround column names with { }
Header Column 1 |
Header Column 2 |
Header Column 3 |
{#table id=”tablemarker”} {Column1marker} |
{Column2marker} |
{Column3marker} {/table id=”tablemarker”} |
Please note that #table is a reserved keyword in EDocGen..The system then identifies tables and associated columns and auto-generates data capture screen accordingly.
Image Auto-Fill:
The format for images is :
{{#image id=”imagemarker” width=”x” height=”y”}}
Please note that #image is a reserved keyword in EDocGen. Here the imagemarker is the marker key for the actual image. Width & Height attributes specify the size of the image (in pixels) and will have to be specified in the template.